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Monday, August 11, 2008

Tune Up Utilities 2008 v7.0.8007

It's difficult to start up Windows. It takes a long time to shut Windows down. Programs take a long time to open. Games stall while loading. Are you also under the impression that your PC's performance is getting worse? Eliminate the speed brakes in your system and avoid time-consuming new installations. TuneUp Utilities 2008 helps you to optimally accelerate Windows, programs, and games and to bring your system back up to speed.

TuneUp Drive Defrag
Effective defragmentation for hard drives
* Significantly shortens the startup times of Windows, programs, and games
* Intelligent defragmentation provides for a noticeable boost in speed
* Optional automatic defragmentation in the background

TuneUp Registry Defrag
Defragment and repair the registry
* Reduces the number of fragments within the registry
* Repairs structural defects
* Releases unused memory

TuneUp StartUp Manager
Prevent the unwanted starting of programs
* Acclerates system start-up
* Displays automatically executed programs when Windows starts up
* Also lists programs not in the autostart folder
* Provides clear recommendations for and descriptions of several thousands of programs

TuneUp System Optimizer
Optimize Windows and accelerate Internet speeds
* Improves the system's performance
* Acclerates surfing and downloading of files
* Offers extensive advice for accelerating the system

Now with Windows Vista Support !
Expand the possibilities of your operating system:With TuneUp Utilities 2008, your system will be faster, morecomfortable and more secure. All important aspects of systemconfiguration, security, cleanup and maintenance can be accessedthrough a modern graphical interface.

TuneUp Utilities 2008 optimizes the performance of your computer, solves problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs.

Click to Download

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